FIEC position on software companies.jpg

FIEC position on software companies

The value of the data that is generated not only by BIM (...). Data has value and more than ever before this means that the way intellectual property is handled,as well as how data is stored, managed, updated, protected and accessed, are becoming critically important. There are implications (...) for the relationship between the construction company and the providers of digital tools, services and infrastructureon the one hand,and with their clients on the other.The IT industry recognised long ago the value of data generated during the construction life cycle. Its response was to create not only software, but a range of services around BIM models and data. In some cases, licensing and contractual arrangements havedisadvantaged contractors and this situation looks not only set to continue, but indeed to get worse(as explained below). Therefore, FIEC calls on the European Commission to consider,in particularthe the challenges and recommendations proposed.


Catégorie :
Organisation : buildingSMART France
Publié : 2020-02-01
Format : PDF
Taille : 195.78 KB
Accès : Membres